sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Os Montros do Minecraft

Passive mobs will never attack the player.
All require land to spawn on, except for Squid which spawn in water blocks.

Chicken Cow Pig Sheep Squid
Chicken Cow Pig Sheep Squid

Neutral mobs will not attack the player unless provoked. The act of provoking Neutral mobs varies between mobs.
Enderman Zombie Pigman Wolf
Enderman Zombie Pigman Wolf

Hostile mobs will attack the player when in range.
Require a light level of 7 or less to spawn with the exception of Ghasts, Silverfish and Slimes.
Cave Spider Creeper Ghast Silverfish Skeleton Slime Spider Spider Jockey Zombie
Cave Spider Creeper Ghast Silverfish Skeleton Slime Spider Spider Jockey Zombie
Note: All mobs' hostility levels are based on how they are spawned by default. Spiders may become neutral, but they do not spawn neutral.

Planned, Unused, Removed, and Potential Mobs

Planned mobs are speculated to be added in a future version of Minecraft.
Blaze Enderdragon Face.png Fish Magma Cube Mooshroom Pigman Red Dragon Snow Golem Villager
Blaze Enderdragon Fish Magma Cube Mooshroom Pigman Red Dragon Snow Golem Villager

Unused mobs are mobs found in the source, but are not being used at this time. Through hacking, it is still possible to spawn them.

Removed mobs are mobs that have been removed from the game and can only be found in previous versions.
Beast Boy Black Steve Human Rana Steve
Beast Boy Black Steve Human Rana Steve

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